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please Support Our Churches

At Harrington Charge, we rely on the generous donations of our members, our visitors, and our community to continue our mission of spreading the word of God and serving our community. Your donations help us to maintain our three churches and provide support to those in need. Thank you for your support!

Ways to Donate:

In Person

Join us for Sunday worship and contribute to our collection plate. 


As of this moment this option is for Asbury Church ONLY.


You may now donate to the church by clicking on the "Donate Now" button or the QR Code. You may also pay by using your Smart Phone to take a picture of the QR Code.

By Mail

Mail your donation to our main office address:

200 Weiner Avenue.

Harrington, DE. 19952

Please make checks payable to the church of your choice.

By Phone

This service is not currently available.

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